Oreo Lindo

Oreo lindo

Oreo lindo

To me you were my best friend, more like my brother. You were a part of the family. I miss you so very much. I'm sorry it finished that way with you. You were too happy and hyper and you couldn't control yourself.

I love you, cosita linda de mami. I know you loved us too. I even miss today the things I hated you did, like lick me when I came out the shower and sneak under my bed before you go to sleep, wanting everything I ate and even picking up your wee wee pad in the mornings. I miss taking out the garbage with you and you jumping and licking my face when I came home.

I find myself crying when I come home and there's no one here. It's so empty now. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to hold your leash. I should have gone with mami. I knew she thought you knew not to cross streets.

When I got the call, I ran down in my pjs and when I saw you there crying, I thought I was going to die before you. I wanted to punch everyone looking. I held you till I couldn't look at you anymore and I saw your eyes. I knew you were still alive when Ashley got you, I knew it. We tried to rush you to the hospital, but it was too late.

I hope you know we were there for you till the end. And I hope you're at peace now so we can all be at peace.

We love you baby O. eso es uno oreo lindo. <3

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