Onyx Michelle Cramer, the best dog EVER!

by Rachel Cramer
(Virginia Beach VA)

Onyx Michelle Cramer, a sweet black lab, whom we rescued from the pound, you left too soon. Only 7, you were still a puppy at heart and at home.

You injured yourself one day and we took all the steps we could to fix you, driving to NC to see the best dog docs we could find. However, you aspirated pneumonia the night before your appointment and when we took you in, you ended up on that vent. It was the hardest decision I've ever made in the world.

Know you were sooo loved, Onyx. Our neighbors all cried hearing the news. They all say you were one special dog. And you were. I miss you so much every day. Even the things that made me irritated I miss....you laying RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the walkway between the kitchen and the dining room, getting into the trash. All of it, I miss.

I am crying tears every day and I don't know when they'll stop. Oh, how life is so unfair for some of us. I don't know why God had to take you so soon. We'll never find another dog that could take your place, and wouldn't want too. I am hoping that someday you'll give us a sign as to when it's time to get a new member of our family. Until then, you are still here in our hearts, always, and we miss you.

May you rest in peace and have all the biscuits you can have. And thankfully, you'll no longer have to suffer with taking seizure meds or having me take you to the vet every few months for bloodwork. I'm sure you're happy about that.

I love you, Bubba Girls. You were the heart of this family. Our first "child." We will forever be grateful for all the love and joy you've given us.

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