Ode to Sir Robert Casey Jones

by Mark Henderson
(Memphis, TN, USA)

Sir Robert Casey Jones

Sir Robert Casey Jones

April 12 , 2003 - April 21, 2011

Sir Robert Casey Jones was a mighty Chocolate Lab
With razor sharp puppy teeth and paws as big as silver dollars.
He asked nothing more of this world
but to run and run and eat.
Never liked a bath but stood tall when one would force its way,
his tail was like a whip so knickknacks could not stay.
He would roam the neighborhood like he owned it, which he did,
and would scare the daylights out of the meter reader though there was no threat.
Never would an evening sun set without a timely dinner call,
and Robert would lick the hand of the server as a special thank you, which could wet your soul with overwhelming joy.
One day Sir Robert could not run, could not eat, and lost his spark,
he sits at heaven's gate where the master pats his head and lets him know that he is happy to see him back home.
After all he was sent from heaven on loan.
Rest In Peace Sir Robert Casey Jones, our friend.

Service will be held at Elmwood Cemetery Sunday, May 22, 2011

Comments for Ode to Sir Robert Casey Jones

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Memories will keep you
by: Jerry

Life will get busy and the pain of your loss will fade. You'll have to stop for a moment and focus on the times you shared with your special friend. The corners of your mouth will begin to curl upward and a smile will emerge.

Never will you come across a satisfying explanation as to why things have to be this way, no matter how hard you search. Memories will keep you. You will remember, you will smile, and you will give thanks for the time, no matter how short. You will know that a blessing has crossed your path.

by: Jeanne

I share your sadness. Eight years ago, I lost my Amber, also a Chocolate Lab. Sunday I buried my Katie, a Golden I rescued to share our home.

They are our friends, our protectors, our confidants. I know that Sir Robert Casey Jones, Amber and Katie are getting to know each other right now in a wonderful place where they will be waiting for us.

Robert's Funeral
by: Mark Henderson

We laid our friend to rest today. It was raining and we did it anyway. We said some thoughtful words and said a little prayer, blessed the place with incense and lowered the beautiful little wooden casket into the ground.

I found a Magnolia petal filled with rainwater and held it above the grave, poured it over the casket to send Robert off with a drink. We covered the grave with fresh Magnolia blossoms and an old marble stone.

Rest In Peace, Sir Robert Casey Jone, Our Friend.

by: Anonymous

Beautiful dog, beautiful tribute.

A thought that helped me was this... the pain of losing him is worth all the memories of sharing his life.

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