My Zippy Dog, Ripley

by Joy Marley
(Pacific Northwest)

My dear friend came to live with me at about 6 weeks of age, having been abandoned in the woods. For nearly 16 years, she kept me daily company, eased me through a long illness, soothed me through a divorce and children graduating and leaving home, all manner of hardships and fears and worries.

She accompanied me daily to the mailbox, hiked up hillsides at my side, slept beside me in our tent, shared my love of the forest and waterfalls and ocean, cared for stray puppies, warned me of strangers and dangers.

She never failed in her sincerity and honesty, and her love for me burned hot and true. Always, when I stretched out a hand, her soft furry head was beneath it; her spirit always lifted mine.

She went on before me recently through that door to eternity... I love her with all my heart and always will.

Comments for My Zippy Dog, Ripley

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A favourite memory
by: Joy

While we were out for a day hike when Ripley was a gangly pup, she lost her footing on some mossy rocks near a water slide and next thing, she was caught in a whirlpool, soon to be swept out of reach. Her panicked expression rivaled mine as I went to her rescue -- I am not a strong swimmer and white water terrifies me.

Years later, at the same waterfall, I slipped too -- it was just a still pond, but deep, and I was wearing a heavy pack where, foolishly, I'd stashed the car keys. Ripley was smart enough to resist jumping in after me, but oh, she was barking so excitedly from the bank; it was wonderful to receive her happy kisses when I climbed out.

A Dog's Love

Pam, we feel your pain and know that you must love Zippy dearly. There is no love quite like a dog's unconditional affection. Gone, but never, ever forgotten. <3

We love you, Bro Dan and Sis Mary

So Sorry
by: Margaret Ann


I am sorry about your dog. I know what you are feeling. I lost my Libby, a sheltie, after 14 years. I still miss her. I am thinking of you.

Margaret Ann

In Spirit we are still One
by: Manastash Steppenwolf

Earth Sister Joy

I feel your loss, having had my own, when my Dog Friends passed on. When I visit our old haunts I openly ask their spirit selves to again join me on a woodsy retreat. I know they do, they are with me as your Zippy Dog Ripley is with you.

I am very sorry for you loss
by: Don Bankhead

Hi Joy

I know it is very hard to lose something so dear to you and it is a very hard time.

I hope and pray that you will fine the way in this darkest time for you and hope that you can have the light shine on you once again.

A loss of someone that you love is one of the hardest thing too deal with. I have lost many friends and loved ones over the years. For someone who walks alone in life most of the time, I can relate with what you're going through.

I can say that what helped me is that my love for each and every person is still strong in my heart and I know someday I will join them so I will not be alone anymore.

I know that Ripley is looking over you with love and protection.
I know I might not see you again but I hope that you are able to find peace for Ripley and for you.


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