My sweetest Roxy

by Rebecca
(Glendale, Arizona)

My beloved Roxy

My beloved Roxy

My dear Roxy, you blessed us with many good and fun memories.

I doubt we will ever have another dog as loving, obedient, good, and sweet as you. I miss you following me around from room to room.

Roxy was the best dog, and cute. I love you, Roxy, and I hope you are having as much fun in heaven as you did with us. I'm sorry Roxy for ignoring you. I take all that back, I love you soo much. You were a great dog, God bless you.

Roxy, you're in a better place now. We all love you and we hope you're having a great time in heaven, and we wish you a safe journey to heaven.

You were an awesome pet to have. You will be missed. We loved you very much and you will never be forgotten. 04/17/2010

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I Lost a Roxy Dog Too
by: Anonymous

My Roxy has gone too and I miss her so much. She wasn't our dog. We cared for her for the last eighteen months because her owner was too ill to look after her.

I never realised how much I loved her until the time came when Roxy was no longer a part of my life. I don't think I'll ever be happy again.

I'm sixty-five years old, happily married, retired and reasonably well off but Roxy's passing has destroyed me. Five weeks now.

Will I ever get better?

by: Alessandra D'Atri

God Bless you through your loss of Roxy. I can only say that I know how your heart aches and eyes burn from crying. When you get real blue, just remember something funny, a fantastic thought about Roxy, and smile knowing that you're doing her soul much better by smiling than by crying.

Your remembrance of her was beautiful and made me think of my Chippy (he left our world on April 13th) when you said she followed you from room to room, for he did too.

Sometimes on the weekends when I would be cleaning and moving too fast for him, he would give up and usually retreat to our bedroom till I went to find him.

It's those times now that I regret the most, the times when I didn't slow down for him. He will always be the love of my life, never forgotten, and irreplaceable.

God Bless You and your family for loving Roxy.

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