My Sister and Best Friend

by Jessica

No matter what, she stuck by my side. I grew up with her...I remember we would lay in bed, both terrified of thunderstorms. For a year now, though, I have not been able to sleep with her due to bathroom problems.

Then yesterday, she had her second stroke. I came home from work last night to my parents on the couches saying "we need to talk." I knew as soon as they said it that it was about Libby, where the conversation was going... she was in pain... and thinning.

I've known for a while we needed to do this, but didn't want to admit to it.

We just put her down just a couple of hours ago. I feel so lost and confused. I could always count on her to be there to talk to and not judge me, no matter how dumb I sounded. I miss her very much...

Libby: July 2, 1994 - June 2, 2011

Comments for My Sister and Best Friend

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My Condolences
by: Adi

I'm sorry for your loss.

by: Jessica

Thank you for all your thoughts. I still think of her often. I have her collar hanging in my car and I can't bring myself to dump her food bowl out.

I was recently on vacation walking the Brooklyn Bridge and found myself writing her name and dates on it. I know this will get better in time but it's still hard. =(

by: laurie dauer

I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. It's the hardest thing to get over. I still cry every day for my Holly. I see her everywhere I look. She was only 5.

May your memories of Libby warm your heart and console your mind. She loved you as much as you loved her, maybe even more, if that is possible. Cry all you need and never think you are dumb for having your feelings. Tears don't heal, but they do seem to cleanse your emotions sometimes.

Sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. You do not sound dumb at all.

I lost my 15 year old dog 2 days ago and I feel your pain. I still can't believe it, and it will take a while for me to recover from this. I'm trying very hard to be strong and think that this was the best for him since he was in pain. I wish this would never have happened.

I hope you feel better soon.

by: Anonymous

Libby was a beautiful dog. I am so sorry for your loss.

by: Steven

My love to you and Libby. Just to look at her was to know love. I wish I could bring Libby back as much as I could bring back my beloved Cocoa. We will both try to find a place for the love, loss and pain, warmed by knowing that our closest friend is at peace.

Love from Steven and Cocoa

by: Kelly

I'm so sorry for your loss. Libby looks like a beautiful soul. I lost my best buddy and I know exactly what you're feeling. It hurts so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

You were so lucky to have Libby for 17 years. I know that doesn't make up for the void you feel right now. Keep her alive in your thoughts and prayers, every day. Do something in her honor so she is always remembered. I had a tree planted in Beau's memory. It made me feel good inside.


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