My Princess Katie

by Chris S
(South Carolina)

My Katie died 2 weeks ago and I feel like I've lost my daughter/best friend. I don't think everyone around me understands exactly how hard it has been, including my husband.

I keep trying to think about the last 12 and 1/2 years and all the good times we've had, but I always end up crying. She had a tumor in her left sinus. It got very hard for her to breathe so I did the humane thing and put her to sleep but now I feel guilty for doing it.

I was there for her last breath and I keep replaying it in my head because she wasn't calm. I had to hold her still and that thought is killing me inside.

She has been a great "dog." I say it like that because I don't think she truly understood that she wasn't a person. I called my son her brother because in my heart and in hers she was a person. As I always told my son, she was just a very hairy person that walked on 4 legs.

I love you and miss you so much, sissy, and I will NEVER forget your sweet face!

Comments for My Princess Katie

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When Friends Become Strangers
by: Rosie

I totally understand the pain you are feeling. I recently lost my beloved Brutus. It was one of the worst feelings I ever felt. It has been days and many friends could not understand my grief. My other dogs felt my pain, and I felt their pain having lost a brother. I can not understand why my dogs are more human in this very difficult time in life.

Memories of Princess Katie
by: Sharon

I am so sorry for your loss of Katie. I had to put my best friend down a few months ago. I know I did the right thing, but it still hurts. I try to think of all the good memories she gave me, but it is still difficult without her. She was almost 13 and had kidney failure.

She was my companion through the good times and bad. I also told her she was a person in a gray suit.

Don't let anyone tell you not to be sad. She was your baby and a member of your family. Grieve as long as you need to. I try to come into this site and encourage others that they are not alone in this process.

I felt her presence about a month ago. They say when you feel their presence, they have come back to tell you they are OK. Thank God she did.

I am going to get a puppy soon and I know she will never take Carley's place but I also know Carley would approve of me having a companion, and a new love in my life. Take care. Someday you will see Katie again in Heaven.

Princess Katie
by: Kelly

Know you did the right thing. Your Princess is at peace now and she will never hurt / be sick again. I too put my baby down recently.

In our home she was exactly like you said ... not thought of as a "dog" but as a member of the family. My heart aches each day still since we put our girl down. I'm still waiting for "time to heal"....

Thinking of you in your sad time. You're not alone in how you feel.


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