My Precious Baby Beau

by Carol
(Sioux City IA)

We sent our precious Papillon Beau to heaven Friday, December 11, 2009. He was the love of my life with endless kisses to give and nothing but pure joy for 12 years. Beau would keep my lap warm every night while watching TV.

He was such a happy dog who liked to go in circles. It took many years before I learned from our vet that Beau's circling came from being confined to very small cramped quarters and that is how he got his exercise. We rescued him from a puppy mill.

Once we got him over several health concerns as a puppy he was a healthy dog until about a month ago. He just wasn't eating, nor was he his happy self. Blood tests revealed an extremely low platelet count. After putting him on Prednisone, he was eating but when weaning him back off his meds, he went back to not eating. He was truly sick and not our Beau.

The decision was easy to let him go and not struggle, but it's the parting that is so hard. God never gave us kids so Beau was our all. I think we took him for granted that he would always be there and live forever. He slept with us, so Friday night was the first time in 12 years that we had to go to bed without him.

We are grieving terribly as we feel like there is no JOY in our home today. As for another pet, the jury will be out for some time on that decision. We would like to do some traveling and are looking down the road to retirement. We never left Beau with anyone. Every vacation we went on he was with us.

He had such a sweet sweet spirit and I miss his presence beyond measure. He was truly a precious gift from God who made us much better human beings.

Comments for My Precious Baby Beau

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by: Jody

Beau was a true "Ambassador of Friendship" for I would have never met my dear friends Carol & Joe if not for Beau. I saw this awesome dog & struck up a conversation with his "Mom" that I never would have done without Beau. He gave me those precious kisses & I was honored to be his friend.

I will miss him, his kisses, his spinning, & everything that made him Beau. In his eyes I saw a soul & he was a comfort to everyone around him. He was definetly a gift from God & was a blessing to everyone lucky enough to be in his Life.

by: Michele Rausch

Beau is in a much better place now where there is NO pain or suffering, waiting to meet up with you again some day! May God continue to comfort you through this difficult time.

by: Anonymous

God bless Beau... now happy, joyous and free, and still by your side. xx

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