My Poppy

by Joy

This is my 3rd Relish entry in your beloved memory. I read new memorials on this site nearly every day, so it is comforting to know that I'm not the only person who is missing their best friend, but it's 7 months since we had to part and it feels just like yesterday and around 700 years ago at the same time. I never knew anything could hurt so much.

Someone had been unkind to you when you were only a pup, so I was so glad that you came home with me - and you trusted me straightaway. Letting you go in January was agonising but it was the greatest gift of love that I could ever have given you after all the love and loyalty you showed to me during our 8 years of smitten companionship. I'm relieved that I had the common sense to know when it was Time. I hope that you may be rested from your illness and smiling again.

You are so much alive in my heart, Popsy, and I long to throw your ball for you to chase after, pick up and then lose for me, so that I can wander about like a half-wit looking for the blasted thing while you stand watching me with a big wide grin on your face, until you stroll over to where I hadn't seen you drop it - and go straight to it and look up at me as if to say 'gotcha!!'.

Big smiley eyes - one with white lashes like an angel and the other with black lashes like a rogue, with a tongue that was too long and with a bent tail, you were Love on 4 legs and beautiful in my eyes. You kept me young with your antics and your innocence, and even though you were 14 when we parted, you never lost your playfulness. Afterwards, I found that I had taken 174 photos and 23 little films of you on my mobile phone, even one with you telling me about a toy you wanted me to throw again. They were precious then and are priceless memories now. Thank You so much.

Someone told me that you were just a dog and dogs have no soul, no place in heaven. Well, as the 'other place' is not an option, even for me, you and I can just bypass 'heaven' and keep on walking. I quote - 'If there is no God for thee, there is no God for me'.

I love you my Poppy. Please wait for me in the sunshine at the Bridge until my time comes. "Thank You For The Days".

Joy xxx

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