My Old Plod Sammy Dog

by Jeannie
(Cambridgeshire, UK)

My Old Plod, Sammy Dog

My Old Plod, Sammy Dog

I lost my beloved member of my family on Saturday 31st October 2009. He died in my Dad's arms, and I wasn't there. I was on a rare night out, and Sammy had a hacking fit and passed out, never to re-awaken.

I am going through a lot of emotions right now, as are my poor parents, but we must all try to stay strong as I have another dog, Simba, who needs us now more than ever to help him transition to a single doggy instead as part of a double act...

"My Old Plod, Sammy Dog, 25/11/1996 - 31/10/2009

You hated water,
You hated rain,
You chased cats
That came into your terrain.

You loved sunshine,
And would lie in it for hours,
You loved chew toys,
But made us hold them, when you got tired.

You snored and dreamed,
You chased rabbits in your sleep,
You'd curl up in your blanket,
And would lie closely at our feet.

I miss you so much,
There's a huge hole in my heart,
You filled us with laughter,
You brought joy and happiness and light.

Now that you are gone,
None of us are the same,
After 13 happy years,
You are emblazoned in our hearts...

I loved you so much my Old Plod, We'll never ever forget you.

Comments for My Old Plod Sammy Dog

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by: Kathlyn

I'm so sorry about your dog. They can be people's best friends, at least I know my dog Sammie is. My dog is six years old and she is my whole life. I don't know what I would do without her.

I heard you got another dog! What type of dog is Simba?

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