My Murphy dogg was the most loyal male I have ever known. When my ex walked out, my Murphy comforted me day and night. He waited by the window for me every time I left the house. He was happy to see me every single day of my life.
My Murphy was 18 years old. He was in my life for ten years. He was loved and gave unconditional love to me.
My Murphy would wear little sweaters, jackets, t-shirts for me. Or at least long enough for me to get a cute picture.
My home is so lonely. Just me and my two kitties. They feel my pain I know it. And they just stare at me- just like my Murphy - reassuring me that I'll make it through this sad time and will become an even stronger woman because of it.
I'm going to take a cue from my Murphy and stop wasting time. I'm going to start living every day like it's the last.
Thank you Murphy dogg for showing me how to truly love. I'll miss u forever. I am blessed to have an angel dog looking over me. Until we meet again my friend. I love you.
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