My Loyal, Loving Mr. Magoo

by Makayla
(Seattle, WA)

My Precious Magoo

My Precious Magoo

In 1998 I introduced two Shih Tzus, Rags, the daddy, and Tasha, the Mommy. They made 4 special babies and I kept one, "Mr. Magoo."

Early one evening I helped Tasha deliver her new babies and took care of them as if I was their mommy. They slept next to my bed on a warm heating pad where I could reach down and make sure they were breathing.

Like new mommies do, when I thought they were not getting enough food I would bottle feed them. At eight weeks it was time to find them loving homes because I could not keep them all. Except for my "Mr. Magoo." He was mine and we both knew it.

Every day he would go to work with me and wait in the car while I cleaned the next house, never complaining. He went to my son's kindergarden class in 1998 for show-n-tell, with my son beaming ear to ear.

He moved 13 times with me, comforted me through not knowing if I would live or die from a tumor and many surgeries, always right by my side. He walked through 2 divorces, 4 deaths and all the days and nights of happiness and sadness we endured together.

He watched all three of my children grow up and move out to start there own lives, and licked away the tears of an empty nest.

My Mr. Magoo was the only one who, no matter what happened, was there for me and would not leave. Three years ago his health started declining and I was afraid I was going to lose him then.

However, he had other plans, to make sure his mommy would be ok. He just kept going because he loved and adored me so much. He asked for nothing from me, other than me just being me.

Over the past 6 months I noticed his little legs had such a hard time walking, and his eyesight was gone. However, when I got home from work he had a little pep to his step to show me he was glad to see me. He wanted to lay down next to me watching TV or sleep next to me at night as he had done his entire life.

Three months ago his appetite started to not be as good, so I started finding whatever I could to hand feed him. I know he appreciated every bite he could eat. About 3 weeks ago he really stopped wanting to eat or drink at all, however he stayed loyal. He constantly stayed by my side to let me know how much he loved me.

I had a hospice doctor come see my little guy a couple weeks ago and she was surprised how well he was doing for 18 years old. She thought she could help with his arthritis, and gave him some pain medication.

His health started to go downhill from there. As much as I just wanted him to eat and drink he no longer wanted to. His little body was so tired. He just kept going for me. He tried to eat knowing it was what I wanted, and did what he could.

I had a wonderful vet come to my house last night. I asked her to just make sure if he could live a bit longer so that I would not have to make the decision to put him down.

I have a strong belief God gives life and is the only one who has the right to take it. I could not find anywhere in scripture that said it was ok for me to do that. After listening to his heart and feeling some large masses in his tummy she assured me he would only get worse.

My Mr. Magoo lay in my arms as he was given the shot. As I held him, he took his last breaths. This is a such an incredible pain in my heart to let him go, however God knew I was going to need him all these years and blessed me with 18 years with him.

It was time for me to return you, Magoo, to the Lord, my sweet baby. I am grateful for every minute you helped me through life. I will see you when it's my time. I can't wait to hold and kiss you again. I miss you so much, Magoo. Please know I'm so sorry our time on this earth had to end. Mommy loves you so much!

Comments for My Loyal, Loving Mr. Magoo

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Thank you
by: Makayla

Thank you for your caring thoughts.

Mr Magoo
by: Nilza

I feel your pain, but Mr Magoo knows that you did all and more to keep him by your side.

I went through the same with my Nikko! But I did not want him to suffer. I know that I owed him that much. Then I found a quote "If it should be..." and I did put him down. The hardest decision of my life. It was a year ago on 1.25.13.

I am so sorry for your loss.

My Callie and Your Mr Magoo
by: Priscilla

It was a year ago the 19th of this month that my Callie broke her leg that couldn't be fixed, so it was with sadness that I could no longer let her stay with me.

The love you and Mr Magoo had for each other was precious. Wonderful memories help get through the sadness and hard times.

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