My Love Joe Boxer

Joe Boxer

Buddy, my sweet Buddy, it's your birthday today and you are not here with us. It feels like my other half is gone.

It's been 1 day since we had to put you to sleep. I miss hearing your paws tiptoe on the floor when I knew you were coming to see me. I miss you shoving your nose in my face when you came to wake me up.

You were full of character, always making me smile no matter what you did, even if you were doing nothing, because I just loved you.

You were my best friend. You were there for me through all of my childhood.

We have lots of memories with you. You will never be forgotten.

As you grew older, your joints started to stiffen, your legs couldn't carry you as well, and your eyes started to fog over. I loved you just the same.

I know that's life, but it's not fair. Nobody is ever ready to say goodbye to their best friend. I hope you are happy up there, my boy.

Thank you for showing me what true love really felt like. Thank you for loving me unconditionally no matter what I did. Thank you for being the best friend I ever could have wished for.

We will always love you.

I hope you are happy up there, and enjoyed your life with us.

I love you...

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