My Little Soldier

by Heather Frey
(Clovis, CA)

*Rest In Peace*

*Rest In Peace*

A lot of people can't understand why I'm so devastated over this...

They say, "It's not the end of the world... He was just a dog!!"

Just a dog, huh??

That's funny because if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here right now!!

He never left me at home by myself for days on end...
It was him who kept me company!!

He didn't make me feel like I was worthless...
In his eyes I was the greatest thing on earth!!

He wasn't the one who yelled at me or put his hands on me...
All he was guilty of was loving me unconditionally!!

He gave me strength when I wanted to give up...
Made me laugh when I thought I had no reason to smile...
And I know he would've given his life to protect me!!

I might have been his whole world...
But he made mine worth living!!

So, for all those people who think he was "just a dog..."

Take a good, hard look at the people in your life...
Your friends, your family, your significant other, everyone!!

I bet they've all hurt you in one way or another at least once... right??

That's because they're all the same...
They can't help it...
They're "just people!!"

But he was better than that...
He was the best friend I've ever had...
My angel... My little Soldier!!

Or, what some might call, "just a dog!!"

Thank you for everything you did!!
You saved my life!!
I love you and miss you so much!!

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Your Soldier
by: tom

I go to this site often and read other people's memorials to their lost friends. I lost my little buddy Ned 3 months ago yesterday and the pain is still there. I miss him so much. If anyone told me he was "just a dog" I don't know what I would do.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure he was a great friend.

Someone told me after I lost Ned to listen for his bark in the wind and don't rush it he will come to you in your dreams. I pass those words on to you and hope it helps.

Good luck and remember we will see all our friends again one day. He was never "just a dog."

You can visit my memorial here. It's titled My Little Buddy

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