My Little Moey

by Craig Davis
(East Alton, Illinois)

My sweetheart Moey

My sweetheart Moey

I took Moey in 13 years ago as I wanted a dog and my brother found her at the flea market needing a good home. He described her on the phone and she sounded perfect for me. She was.

It took 1 minute to know she was staying permanently with me. She whined for only 15 minutes after my brother left and little Moey realized I was going to be good to her.

This began a 13 year relationship for her and me. Moey became attached to me in no time. She knew when I ate, and she would get some too. When it was bedtime, she waited by the bed to be picked up and put in there with me and she would sit up in the dark to be petted before she lay her head down.

She at times snored and made sounds. This did not annoy me it gave me comfort knowing she was content and that I could provide her with comfort and happiness.

Moey never in 13 years wavered on her devotion to me. If I was taking a nap, she'd lay there guarding me, and if anyone came close she let them know.... LEAVE HIM ALONE, he is vulnerable and I am guarding him until he wakes up.

Moey was the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever known and I was very lucky to have her for 13 years.

Moey was diagnosed with a tumor on her sweet little heart. I tried denying she was going to die but her coughing reminded me every day that she was going to leave me soon. As the tumor grew it pushed on her windpipe and made it difficult to breathe. Each day it got worse.

She then developed complications that grew daily until she was bloating and was passing blood. I had to do the most painful thing I have ever done and have her put to sleep.

I owed her being there till the end and I stroked her head and ears and scratched her chest and told her over and over how much I loved her and that she would ALWAYS be my dog until she went to sleep permanently.

I lost it... it has been a week and I have cried a river of tears for my little Moey. I will never be the same without her and I am in so much pain I can't describe how I feel about Moey.


The grief is almost too much.

Comments for My Little Moey

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Such Sweet Moey
by: Rose

I know and feel your pain. I just lost my best friend a month ago. And yes, it is the worst feeling to put them down. But no one should let a dog suffer.

My dog died of cancer and she was only 8 years old. You had a wonderful 13 years with Moey. I wish I had that with my baby.

Moey is not gone. He will still be there with you every day. I am being strong as I promised my best friend.

They are both up there playing, smiling down at us and protecting us.

Please read my memorial too, the title is My Precious Love.

We always think of them, and no matter what, our hearts will have a special place for them.

I'm sorry for your Moey. I know Moey is saying that you are the best dad ever. Keep that in your mind. Such sweet story, so touching.

Take care.

I Wish You Could Meet With Your Sweetheart Again
by: Anonymous

I can feel your pain. Because I lost my sweetest baby dog. She was just 9 years old. My Rimo died due to wrong treatment by the doctor.

She was like a daughter to me. I used to love her more than my self.

Today it seems to me that everything is priceless and I wish that all of us who love our dog too much would be able to meet in Rainbow Bridge one day. Nobody would be able to depart from each other.

I wish you could meet with your sweetheart again.


I Know Your Pain...
by: cindy

Your head on my shoulder, you were supposed to be ours.

We knew that you were a man's dog, riding the 4 wheeler, fishing, sleeping with Wayne, no matter when he went to bed, or just laying on his lap. You were the son he never had, a little boy with fur.

You were so gentle hearted. You loved everything and had to kiss them... bunnies, fish, chicks, kittens and yes, the best kisses you saved for us.

You loved spaghetti. You could eat your weight in it. You hated to have your nails done and we usually had a fight on our hands to do it. You would go from hard tough play with us to kissy face with one word, KISSES. And you covered our faces with the best kisses.

You loved to ride in the car. Your place was on Wayne's knee by the door so the air vent hit you in the face. You would ride all day, right in that spot. You had the biggest bladder in the doggy kingdom. No matter how long we were gone, you refused to go in the house, and if it rained, forget it. You held it until it stopped.

We're not sure how it happened, but you got old. It snuck up on us so fast. We noticed little things. You didn't see well or hear too well. You couldn't get up in Wayne's chair or in the car without help. You paced a lot and whined a lot. That's when we found out you had doggy alzheimers. You were 14 years old.

The vet started you on people alzheimers meds and you came back to us for a while longer. But just like people, the disease started to take you again and this time it was relentless. You wandered the yard. No more kisses. Nightly panic attacks. More and more pills. Anything to keep you here with us.

You still loved to eat, but not enough. You had bad jaw spasms that were so painful. I prayed god would take you in your sleep, but you were too strong. And then it happened. Three nights of constant terror-filled barking. No meds helped and we knew we couldn't help you anymore and we knew what we had been dreading was the only thing left to do for you.

So we gathered you up and took one last ride. Mindy (your human sister who works for the vet) took you from my arms and we went in. Wayne couldn't go in. It was ripping out his heart. But I wasn't going to let you go alone. I held you close and told you how much we loved you and that your other furry brothers and sisters were waiting and in the blink of an eye, you'd be instantly healed, and you would be in heaven before you knew it.

It was peaceful. You were snoring. You were exhausted. And then the snoring stopped and I knew you were home. I had fulfilled the promise I made you on the ride up. I made everything better, one last time. You were 15 years and 8 months old.

We took you home and put you under the tree with a cross Wayne made just for you, and some flowers. You have a special place in our hearts that can't be filled. The place that a little boy with fur who was the son we never had was and still is.

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