My Little Buddy Ned

by Tom Powell
(Big Bear, CA)

Born: 10-31-99
Passed: 3-23-09

I became Ned's dad on 1-3-00 but from the time I first saw him at 1 week old I knew he and I were meant for each other. He was a great puppy and with training and lots of love and affection he grew to be a handsome and sociable wheaten. He loved to play, sniff, be held on my chest and EAT! and go on a nice walk where I would talk and he would listen (I think).

He would always offer his paw for a treat. He had many adventures and made many friends. The comfort I received from Ned I have no words for. He would lie on my chest and I could feel his heart beat. Hhis breathing was like meditation. And if I had a bad dream from work (30 years in the Fire Dept) I could pet him and feel his fur, and I was calmed back to sleep.

He was loved by many but I was his dad and I did the best I could to make him well. I will miss you little buddy. Life will not be the same without you. The days are not as sunny and the house is quiet and lonely.

Goodbye my friend and companion. How will I calm the nights now? Run Free. You are healthy again and I will be with you soon. My heart is broken but I try to smile through the tears because you always hated when I was sad.

I love you Ned

Comments for My Little Buddy Ned

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by: Anonymous

Uncle HERO!

Been thinking about you a lot lately and I came across this page. I am so sorry to hear about Ned. I know how much he meant to you. I can't imagine how hard it's been on you. We are here for you, always have been, always will be!!!!

Would be great to hear from you. MISS YOU!!!!!!

My Buddy's Birthday
by: dad

Happy Birthday Ned! I miss you so much and think of you often. Archie is doing well but he is not you. You are still my little buddy and will be that way forever. Your footprints are on my heart. Run free, Ned.

4-Ever In My Heart Sabbath
by: Laura


Thank you very much for your comments. Your words were comforting.

I have a female lab, Shelby. She misses Sabbath and howled for 4 nights after his passing. She is 10 years old. My husband and I walk her twice a day and spend all of our time with her. She is lonely.

I still call for my Sabbath and sit outside by the garden and speak to him. I still say good morning and good night to him. I still move the closet door where his pillow went at the foot of the bed as if he is still there.

I know it will get better with time. But I ask myself all the time...why do the things we love so much have to pass. Thanks again for your kind words.

I read your memorial to Ned and I know that Ned listened to you and understood everything you were saying to him.

Take care,


Hi Buddy
by: dad

We are at the mountain house today, and as always I look at your picture when I come in and touch the box with your ashes. Archie is doing well.

When I am here it is hard. I cry because this was your house. You were with me when it was new and we moved in, it's your backyard, and when I walk Archie on the walks we always took together, the tears and memories come flooding back. Take care my friend.


Sorry about Ned

Thank you so much for your comments about Lobo. He was a beautiful human being. It has been 9 long days since I've been without my friend, and you have not had yours even longer than that.

No one knows the depths of our sorrows. But, we stand strong in our belief that one day we'll see and be with our friends again one day. And you're right! They are happy and healthy again. Running, chasing butterflies in the wind with a smile on their faces.

Thank you again! Your story about Ned was a beautiful testament about your friend. In honor for My Lobo, I honor Ned.

Take care. Maximina

Hey Buddy
by: Dad

I forgot to let you know that the new pup in the house now is not named Ned, I couldn't do it. His name is Archie and he is growing into a pretty good dog. I still miss you and cry that you are not here. I wanted a puppy before you died so that you could teach him and to have a friend to play with. I miss you, my friend, and you are always in my heart and mind.

New Pup
by: david

I know what you mean. I have another pup as well and it's very hard to connect like i did with Trog. I suppose in time the bond will come, I see it some days more than others. I feel like if I let go of the pain of losing Trog, I will have nothing left of him. But, I can't keep it going it hurts so much. I feel like I'm cheating on Trog. My new pup, Phoenix, is coming along. I think I forgot how Trog was when he was a pup because he became such a good dog. Time will tell... David

Your Little Ned
by: Amanda

That was beautiful. I don't know what else to say. I pray you somehow find the comfort you found in Ned and all of your dreams are of Ned and no more nightmares.

Thank you for your kind words of Loki.

Hi Buddy
by: dad

I still miss you and think of you every day. Well the new pup is quite the dog. I see you in him or I hope I do. The way he walks and looks at me reminds me of you. He is a good dog but he is not you. I want to be connected to him, like you and I were, but it's not happening. I have to give it time. I miss my little buddy and I listen for your bark in the wind. 07-13-09

Trog's Dad
by: David

Thank you for writing, Tom. I know it hurts so bad. I cry a few times a day. Nothing really seems to ease the pain, although this site is helpful.

Today was really the first time I've been able to respond to other memorials. I keep listening for him and dreaming of him. Like I said in my memorial, I want to try to be like he was with people. That's my hope. Dogs love deeply...

Take care. David

Just to let you know
by: Dad

Hey Buddy,

I still really miss you, I talk to you every day so you know that we will have a new puppy soon. You would love him. His mom and dad look just like you. I hope you don't mind but his name will be Ned, I loved your name and I want it to stay in the family. I miss you.


by: Sharon

Thank you so much for the kind words on the loss of my beloved Molly. I extend to you my deepest sympathy on your loss of Ned.

I am one to believe that everything happens for a reason, but that reason is not clear to me right now. It was two years ago to the week that we put our other Golden, Hayley, to sleep. Both of these dogs developed symptoms very suddenly and the decision to have them euthanized was very difficult.

I will listen for her bark in the wind. May time lessen our pain so that once again we can smile at their memory and be glad they were a part of our lives. Anyone that has loved a dog knows unconditional, pure love.

by: Cynthia

Thank you for your comment on Leo. Not being able to say goodbye is what haunts me the most. He went to the vet in the morning, my dad took him, and I wasn't even home to wish him well at the vet. I thought he would be coming home.

The calming part is that I know he was so intelligent and that he knew my dad and I didn't know he was so sick. I know he knows that we loved him so much. The pain he was enduring breaks my heart over and over again. It truly is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through... he was supposed to be with us for so many more years.

Ned sounds so amazing. There is nothing that can take the place of the bond that you had with Ned.

I have a void in my heart that will always remain. It's just learning how to deal with it... because it doesn't get any easier. Reading memorials and knowing you're not alone helps so much. We are just truly blessed to experience such a bond. I end every day with the sweet memories Leo left me with and I try to smile through the tears. My dad was just as close to Leo and he said he has had many dogs but no dog like Leo.

The way Ned calmed you when you woke from those horrible dreams really touched me. Good Luck, will see him again.

My heart is still broken
by: dad

Well little buddy it has been 1 month since you passed on. My heart still breaks when I think of you. I am praying that I will get better but right now it just hurts.

We talk about you often and I smile and cry at the same time. We are going to look at puppies on Sunday. I know I will never replace you but it will feel good to have another little one with his own personality around the house.

You are my angel now Ned. I hope you are safe and healthy and happy.


by: DB Miln

Thank you for sharing your grief. I was feeling so undisciplined because of my sorrow for Bob, who I had to euthanize 3-26-2009. It certainly isn't easy, is it? But thanks so much for writing about Ned. I feel better for having read what you wrote.

Thank You
by: Lisa

Thank you for your lovely comments on Jazz's memorial. I did get comfort from writing the memorial; it helps to put into words what you are feeling over the loss. And it helps to have people, even if only through the internet, that understand what you feel.

I'm sorry for your loss of Ned; he sounded like a great dog.


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