My Kloe

by Meghan

You were my angel, there by my side when I needed you most. You were always happy as long as you were with me -- even happier when I cradled you like my baby.

Nobody will ever understand the deep bond we had. Unable to concieve, my husband got me you for Valentine's Day, and you were the best baby anyone could ever ask for.

The past two years have been a roller coaster, but you were always there with your amazing puppy kisses. You healed a part of my soul and helped me get through.

My sweet angel, I hope you're playing fetch up in Heaven with Garfunkel and lots of chicken. Until we meet again. ✨💕

Comments for My Kloe

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I'm Sorry for Your Loss
by: Penny

Your Kloe was an adorable sweet girl. Feel free of your pain.

Princess Beeka's Mommy

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