My K9 Partner

My Border Patrol Service K9 had a great night at work apprehending 68 pounds of marijuana and three undocumented aliens. That night I put him in his kennel and fed him a little food as a reward for his work (I did this every night).

The next morning I noticed he had defecated in his kennel, which was unusual for him. The stool has had traces of blood in it. This concerned me, but he seemed OK and I continued to monitor him. He refused to eat his food and began to drink an abnormal amount of water and then threw it up.

Thinking it was a stomach bug, I made appointment at the Vet. It had been almost six hours since I first noticed symptoms until I got to see a Vet. At this point he was very lethargic, his rectal temp was 99 and he appeared to be dehydrated. He was given an IV and promptly threw up a large amount of blood.

He was rushed to emergency care 70 miles away. The Vets immediately operated on him but it was too late.

Bolo was euthanized with me by his side. He would have been 6 the next day. It was completely devastating to lose my partner of three and a half years and best friend.

I always miss you buddy.

Comments for My K9 Partner

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To the owner of K9 Patrol
by: Karen

I read your story on the loss of your K9 patrol dog. What a hero! And to you, thank you for doing such great service. A dog is a man's best friend, and a best friend he'll always be to you. My deepest and heartfelt sympathy on your loss. You had a very special bond working together.

Such a beautiful dog
by: Jodi

My sympathies on your loss, such a beautiful dog. I lost my german shepard Koddie a year ago and all I can say is, it doesn't get better but it does get easier.

by: Wayne

I am sorry for your loss of your companion and partner. I have a close friend who is a K-9 officer and I know how close a relationship you guys have with your dog. Thanks to you and Bolo for your service.

Rest in Peace, Bolo

He was a hero
by: Anonymous

Your Bolo was Hero and deserves a hero's recognition. Thanks to you and to him for your loyal service to our country.

I know you will miss him so much and he knows it too. He will go on inside of you, in your memories and in the way he touched you and changed you.

Thank you for sharing your amazing partner with all of us dog lovers.

by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss :( Bolo is beyond the Rainbow Bridge with my pup Zeus who would have been 6 next Sunday. We had to say goodbye to him 3 days before this past Christmas and it hurts every day.

I awoke to Zeus being really sick as well, messes all over the house. We were aware of his heart condition since birth and treated it with medicine every day, but it was his time. There was no fixing his heart; if we could have with parts of ours we would have.

When it happens so fast, too tragic, it hurts so much more when you feel so helpless.

Again, I'm sorry.

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