My heart, my love, my friend forever-Marvin

by Sharon
(Milford, MA)

I have no words to express the love I feel for you, the joy in remembering you and the deepest pain I feel now that you are gone. My heart goes with you, little puppy, even though you were far beyond puppy years.

We rescued you, but the truth is that you rescued us. You gave Gary and me more love than we had ever experienced. Going to work was always hard--you would put your nose against the window and watch us leave. I was always so sad and so were you. Coming home from work was always a good thing because you would greet us, happy happy happy!

Your unrelenting trust that we would take care of you was always there, even at the end. Your deep loving eyes would stare, trying so hard to get the message of love across. We felt it, Marvin, each day. It was the hardest thing, to say it was time, when I was holding you so close to my heart. I wanted to hold you forever.

You have taken my heart with you, little boy. I love you so much!

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