My Heart Aches to Be With You

by Luigi's Dad

To my precious boy. I will never forget the day you entered my life. The cutest little black Pug friend anyone could ever ask for. I never realized just how much more than a friend you would become. You became the very best part of each and every single day.

Oh my boy, how I miss the cuddles. Something is missing at night when I try to sleep, something is missing when I arrive home, something is missing when we watch TV. No more crazy screams of "where have you been" when I get home, or getting upset with cartoons and zombies on TV and shadows on the walls.

I'll always remember how you drove Mom crazy, waiting and crying at the front door for 2 hours every night when Dad was away on work for 6 months.

With a happy life and good health, we will never know why you left us so soon, that early morning in the dark, sleeping in the bed at my feet. The morning my heart got ripped to shreds.

I will never know why I woke up to those last two breaths. Maybe to say goodbye to you in this life as your soul drifted away to the rainbow bridge. Way too young at 4 and a half years old. I'm sure the last wag of your tail for bedtime was you telling me it'll be okay.

Now a very, very big part of my heart is missing, and life is feeling very empty. Dad will be strong, my boy. He has to, for Mom and your little friend Pixie, who are with me still.

I know you are in an amazing place now, my Lui, a place with even more toys, friends, love and fun. I know one day I will find you in that place, precious boy, just not soon enough.

I will always have you in my heart, and feel you in my tears. I love you unconditionally and forever, my Lui Bear!

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