My Girl Amber

by Bruce
(Naugatuck CT)

Amber, I miss you

Amber, I miss you

I miss my Amber so much. She was born May 22/2000 ,and passed away 01/07/2014 due to cancer. I never had children so Amber was my child to me.

She was and always will be the best thing that ever happened to me. It's so hard being around the house with her not being here. She would alway's put a smile on my face when I was down.

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by: Bruce

Thank you Lisa.

Last month would have been Amber's 14th birthday. It was pretty hard, I still miss her so much. My German Shorthair Emma is still lost without her. I see it in her eye's every day. They were together for 10 years.

My Thoughts Are With You
by: Lisa

Bruce, I am so sorry for your loss. It will be 1 year tomorrow since my beautiful girl passed. I have yet to come to grips with losing her.

I too have never had children. She was my child of 16 wonderful years.

I hope your heart continues to heal over time. Mine seems to be healing very slowly, but little by little it is getting a little easier.

My thoughts are with you.

It's Only Been 1 month
by: Bruce

It's been only 1 month that you have been gone, and it seem like forever.

I miss you so much.

My Heart Goes Out to You
by: Jay

Bruce, I feel your pain. I lost my girl of 15 years in Oct. 2012. I still miss her so darn much. I cry now and then still. It's easier, but it took me a long time. I've had a lot of dogs in my life, but she seems to be the hardest. I had adopted a young dog 2 years before she passed so it would help me when that time came, and it did.

I know it may be too soon yet for you, but I hope you can open your heart for another soul to adopt that will need you as much as you need her/him.

Dogs are the most loving, forgiving souls. As hard as it is to lose them, I can't imagine my life without them. I also have 3 cats. The older tomcat is very dog-like, and I know when I lose him, I'll lose it as bad as I did with my dear Spunky (the last dog I lost). If you'd care to read mine, it's under, Spunky You Still Have My Heart (i think that is what I titled it).

Even though I don't know you, I do know how really horribly bad it is to lose an animal. My heart is hurting for you so much. Just know that (well I want to believe this) they will be waiting for us wherever we go too, someday. If not, then I don't want to go there.

Peace and love to you, fellow animal lover. Sending hugs and love to help your heart heal.

by: Lisa

We are sorry for your loss. She was a very good dog. I know she will be sorely missed. It doesn't seem possible, but it will get easier with time, as you are able to reflect on her with pure happiness.

God Bless, to you and her. She is in a better place without the hurt.

by: Susan Howarth

I'm so sorry for your loss. You don't know me (I used to work with Vicki) but I do understand what you are going through. I lost my dog Chloe 2 years ago in February and still miss her terribly.

Know that Amber will be there waiting for you, whole and happy, to greet you in Heaven!

by: Nilza

I truly am sorry for your loss. She's beautiful. I know how difficult this time is for you. We miss our babies so much, but they are no longer in pain or suffering.

My baby Nikko too was ill with kidney failure, and the last few months were difficult. But I did the best I could while he was here. I knew it was time, his eyes told me.

It was so hard to put him down but I thank God that he made me strong enough to do it. It will be a year on January 25. It's hard to believe it has been a year. I miss him so much.

I too had no children so he truly was my baby. I keep his memories alive and it helps.

May God walk with and guide you during this difficult time.

by: priscilla

How could you help but love her, the love in her eyes she had for you.

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