My Faithful, Loyal Girl, My Trudy Roo

My Trudy Roo was born on 22/12/1997 and sadly passed away 16/08/2008. She was sent from heaven to be with me and my son as she was sent from the angels to be one of our many furry earth angels.

How she come into our lives was strange because we actually went to buy a male rotty, not a female. My son had a twin who sadly was never meant to be here on earth. I would have called her Trudy, so when we meet the lady selling the rotties and she showed us this little sad bundle in a box, she just stole our hearts there and then.

Funny this as the little bundle from the litter had been cast out from the mother and attacked so the lady had hand reared her from a few days old. I asked the lady what her name was and when she replied "I called her Rudy," well as my baby girl would have been called Trudy, I thought how strange is that and the lady said no one would ever want her being a outcast from the mother so Zachary and I took her home and from then on she was a gentle giant, being spoilt.

Trudy was raised with cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice. Aall her life she remained a little babbysitter to all my many rescued rodents, where she would lay down gently and allow them to run all round her.

Trudy was afraid of dogs and I could only walk her at night because she was so scared. Next time you comdem a rottwelleir please think of my trudy. It's the man behind the lead, not the breed of dog.

Every day i miss my girl and even now I cry when I see other Rotties. She was faithful, loyal and when my mum was dying from cancer and I would sit quietly and cry, Trudy was there with her head on my lap. She was one of my many furry resuced earth angels now in the rainbow garden waiting for when my time's up here to join her.

Trudy now visits my son in his dreams and in times when I'm sad she lets me know she is around. I love you forever my girl.

xx Mummy misses you always. Look for grandma, Trudy. xx

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Trudy Roo
by: Anonymous

What a lovely memorial. You feel about your lovely Trudy as I feel about my lovely girl Poppy, who passed in January. Love and Light to you.xx

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