My Donny

by Paula
(Cape Town )

Donny, you came into my life when you were about a year old. I remember how you didn't want to leave Lise, but she managed to tempt you to meet me with a bit of ham.

You were the best companion anyone could have asked for. I miss you, especially seeing your sweet face as you followed me around the house - I loved you so much and I know you loved me.

I remember you woofing at the vet until they phoned and said please collect him - but I didn't collect you this last time. I took you to the vet on the 14th April to ask them to check you over as you hadn't eaten. The vet said that you had heart failure.

I brought you home for one night but you were struggling to breathe. The next morning you went back because he thought he could save you - but you left us at 2pm on the 15th April 2012.

You were with us for 13 years and I loved every minute of it - the training that you almost failed :), your sweet face watching my every move to make sure I didn't escape, running and playing with Yenny, and your constant quest for loving.

We miss you horribly. I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out. I have the good memories though Donovan. You made my life better and I hope I made yours happy. I will always remember you, my frog dog.

Lots of Love Always xxx

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by: Sandra

We'll miss Donny so very much, but he will always be in your heart. He was a lucky little dog to have had you as a mom!

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