My Dearest Romeo, My Special Biggy Boy

by Karen

My dearest Romeo. My Special Biggy Boy.

It's been 5 weeks since you had to leave, and I have been left with a broken heart. You took a piece of my heart, which will remain with you forever, my dear.

I know we only had 3 years, but the love we had for each other was a bond to last forever. I know you were poorly at the end and it all happened so quickly.

I miss you so much Romeo. Our home is so empty without you. It's never going to be the same again. You made our house a home.

We have kept all your belongings and have your ashes in the living room, your favourite room. I miss your cuddles and kisses, Romeo, and always will.

Love you forever. Until we meet at rainbow bridge, run free and don't forget your stickies.

Love, mumsy xxxxxxxx kissy kissy xxxx

Comments for My Dearest Romeo, My Special Biggy Boy

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Dearest Romeo
by: Karen

It’s been 4 years since you left us now. I still think of you each day, always find your feathers too.

I still have difficult moments of sadness when I will think of you and your little ways. I miss you so much but you are not forgotten, forget-me-not.

I will see you one day, and we will cross that bridge together, my special biggy boy always.

Love and miss you,
From your Mumsie xx

Romeo, still miss you ❤️
by: Karen

It's been 3 years now, Romeo. I still think of you every day and miss you greatly. I imagine you are running and chasing the birds away and eating sausages!

There isn't a day that passes that I don't think of you and wish we had more time together. 3 years wasn't long enough, but within those 3 years you stole my heart x.

Be happy. See you at rainbow bridge one day!

Love, Mumsy. Love you, my special Biggy boy, always in my thoughts xxxxx

Thank You, Rose
by: Karen

Thank you so much, Rose, for your kind message and lovely words about Romeo. It was very thoughtful and true.

I am now able to remember the great memories of Romeo, and smile a little rather than cry each time. With kind words from you, it helps.

I hope Precious and Romeo are playing and happy. I know they are here with us too, but not physically. I know that we will meet again.

Thank you again, from your friend Karen.

by: Rose D

Hello Karen,

I saw and read your comment that you wrote about my dog who passed. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them.

Yes it is so hard to say goodbye to your best friend. Believe me, it will get better day by day. As long you have Romeo in your heart he will know and he will be there, just not physically.

Your Romeo was such a cutie, he was the best dog ever to you. I'm sorry for your loss. But know this: he is in a better place.

I too cried and cried, night and day, and prayed for my sweet Precious to come back to me. But that is life. We all go one day, but we must think of all happy memories and that will make us strong and accept it one day at a time.

So smile. Romeo is with you. He is looking down at you and saying "Mom, it's ok." It will be better, to take it day by day and know that he loves you and he was happy to have you in his life.

Our dog angels, so special, so loved, will be missed so much. Take care.

Rest in peace, Romeo.

Thank You Linda
by: Karen

Linda, thank you for taking the time to send a heartfelt message at this difficult time whilst you are grieving too.

You are absolutely right that love is not measured in years. It helps to know that others who have lost their dogs understand how I feel.

I am sure in time for both of us our memories will be that of happy ones spent with our much loved dogs.

Thank you again for the message as it's so lovely to know that I am not alone.

Love Cannot Be Measured in Years
by: Linda

I am so sorry. I have 10 weeks of grieving and still miss my Matsui so very much.

I just want you to know others feel your pain and loss with you. Lovers of dogs are never alone. Even in our grief we have the love of the dogs we miss in our hearts.

It will make us better people. For we know now, how precious every day is.

May you find ever more moments of peace in your heart, until you, I and all others find we can remember our companions with smiles and grateful tears.

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