My Cisco

by Tracie Lester



On Tuesday 2/28/2012, I had to let you go. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. You were by my side for 17 years, faithful and loyal.

I am totally lost without you. I walk around the house with nothing to do anymore as you are not here for me to take care of. You were just like my child, waking me up in the morning to eat and waiting for me to come home from work.

I don't know how I will get through this pain I have in my heart and soul. I miss you so very much, but I know that you are no longer in pain and you are resting now. Still, that only eases my pain a little.

I am grateful for the last days I got to spend taking care of you through your sickness. In the end your little body was in much need of rest and you just didn't have the strength to fight anymore.

I love you with all my heart and will always remember you and miss you. I know that you are feeling better now and you are not suffering in pain. I miss and love you, my sweet little Cisco.

Comments for My Cisco

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Me Too!
by: Pamela

I had to say good-bye to my Jake the same day you did to Cisco. I know exactly what you are going through. I went through it four years ago too. is so hard!

They are such a part of our lives and we love them so much. Talking about it helps the grieving. If you do Facebook, check out Paws Not Forgotten, you can post a tribute to your pet and connect with other people who have lost their pets.

I share in your loss and in any passing of one's pet. Cisco was very lucky to have you. Reach out to others who love pets too, they understand.

Your Cisco
by: Janet

What a beautiful dog! You can really see the love in Cisco's eyes. I know what you mean about feeling lost. My almost 16 year old Bichon, Shelby, passed away last week. The house seems empty.

Like you, I am comforted by the fact that he is no longer in pain, but it's hard to let them go. I hope we will both eventually find solace in the light and joy they left in our hearts.

Peace to you.

For Cisco
by: Anonymous

You are not alone in your pain. I lost my Beau in July and still miss him so. Smell his smell where you can and think of the funny antics...remember the love. The memories will stay and the pain will lessen.

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