My Big Boy, Blackie

by The Mullalys
(Tucson, AZ)

You were the runt of the litter when you were born in January of 2002. I originally had planned on keeping a different puppy and adopting you out with your other 3 brothers and sisters but I kept you and never looked back. You turned out to be the most lovable companion a person could hope for.

You loved chasing your tennis ball, dipping your paws in the pool when it was hot outside, and laying on your back so we could rub your tummy. Love was the only word you knew.

Three years ago we had a mast cell tumor removed from your side. The vet said it was stage 3 cancer and we had the option of putting your through chemotherapy. We opted just to have the tumor removed and let you be. You never showed any signs or symptoms of being sick. You ate, played, never lost an ounce of weight.

Last week, I found you out in the yard sleeping, only this time, you weren't going to wake up. You had moved on to a place where there is an endless supply of tennis balls and cool baths for your paws.

I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye but I know you'll check in from time to time and one day we'll see each other again. We love you and miss you very much, Blackie!

P.S. Your momma, Skeeto, says HI and she misses you too.

Comments for My Big Boy, Blackie

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Not Just a Pet
by: Mikal

Thank you, Ed, for your kind words. Yes it's true, we don't choose them, they choose us. They become a part of us - a companion, not just an animal.

I am sorry for your loss. One day we will reunite with our beloved furry friends. I take comfort in that.

Who Chooses Whom?
by: Ed

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Blackie. It sounds like he had a wonderful life and loving family around him.

Isn't it funny how they choose us while allowing us to think it was we who chose them? :)

My Mini Schnauzer Fritz (who I had for almost 15 years) chose me and my dear CoCo (who just passed over Christmas) was the same way ...

I first saw Fritz in a pet store in 1995 and couldn't get the little guy out of my mind or heart. A week later he came home with me and was my "Little Man" until 11/28/2009.

CoCo chose me while I was visiting the Denver Dumb Friends League not long after Fritz passed. I had no intentions of adopting that day but she had other ideas and I'm so very happy she did. Sadly, I was only given 2 years before God called her home.

I'm sure your Blackie is smiling down on you from Heaven and waiting for the day when you'll be reunited again forever.

RIP Blackie - God Bless

Ed in Denver

All We Need Is Love and a Good Dog
by: Mom

Okay I'm in tears again. ;(

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