My Best Friend

by Chris

Heidi, I know it hasn't been long since you passed. I miss you so much, the way you would give me your special hug. How you would like to snuggle. The way you were curious when someone was working on something, you would always have to investigate like you were ready to show them how it is done and how you could fix it.

I love your little strut. You always thought you were a lot bigger then you really were. Your will was so strong and you bounced back quite a few times. Heidi, you were amazing.

But sadly you grew tired and were ready to leave us. If there is a thing called heaven then I will see you again some day, my friend.

Comments for My Best Friend

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by: joe

What a beautiful letter to a dog that will be missed.

Meet Again
by: connie

I think all animals go to heaven. I believe I will see all of my companion animals again. Take care of you.

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