My Best Friend Sadie

by Darren Borg
(Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)

I remember the day I brought her home from the animal shelter. That evening she jumped on the couch then crawled on top of me and licked my face. My life would never be the same.

There were many evenings Sadie would lay beside me on my bed and snuggle closer.

She was such a vibrant and energetic dog, always forcing me to come out of myself and play with her.

Though I struggled with my own pain all through her life, Sadie never stopped being there for me. She would jump up on her rear legs to try to wrap her front paws around me. She loved to play.

As she aged, things starting to change, mainly this last year. Her arthritis in her hips was obvious. She could no longer get up on her own. She also became ill with an enlarged spleen and bladder stones. I did not want her to suffer. I had to release her from her suffering on August 24, 2010. It was the saddest day of my life.

I was privileged that Sadie filled my life with love and joy for 15 and 1/2 years.

Thank you Sadie. Until we meet again, my girl.

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by: Darren

Thank you for your comment. It helps to know other people know what it is like to lose a friend you love.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about and miss my Sadie. Just when I think it is getting easier, I experience the loss once more and have a short cry.

Putting her down was such a tough thing to do but I didn't want to prolong her suffering and wait and see as I had done with a previous friend (Sheeng).

Now that Sadie is gone I have become aware of the magnitude of the love we shared.

So sorry for your Sadie
by: Teresa

I'm so sorry for you.

The last year was also rough for Bodie. He had arthritis in his hips and had a hard time getting around. He was hit by a car when he was six months old. We rushed him to an emergency vet who saved his life and brought him back.

He was 15 years. old and we believe that the arthritis was probably brought on from his spinal injury from when he was hit. He showed no sign throughout his life until he was older so he had a very happy proud life and we are thankful for that.

It's been a week since we had to make that awful decision. My heart still aches so. I've asked myself why I didn't grab him up and run from the vet's office and say "No, I changed my mind." But I know I couldn't because it would have been for my own selfish reasons and not for him.

I know how you mourn for your Sadie. It's just so hard coming home from work and him not being here after so many years of knowing he would be right there at the door waiting for me. I'm so sorry and hopefully our hearts will heal with time.

We will always have the love and they will never be far away.

Your Loss
by: Anonymous

Bless you.

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