My Best Friend, Meesha

by Brenda
(San Rafael, CA)

I rescued Meesha over 13 years ago. I'll never forget when I went to the Amanda Foundation to find a new dog after my Mickey passed. I had it in my mind what I didn't want, a dog that looked like Meesha, a mixed poodle. But they talked me into taking him for a walk and after we returned and had to wait, I noticed how he was calm and relaxed on my lap, watching all the other dogs (it was at a vet hospital) and I knew that he was what I wanted.

He was about 18 months old and full of vim and vigor and eager to please. And he was that way for many years until the last few months. He was diagnosed with cancer. I had the opportunity to celebrate his life for another 15 months.

He was a wonderful comfort through so many of my life challenges, including several moves over the past 5 years. Never one to complain, he just was happy to be with me. He was the true essence of unconditional love.

Meesha was put to rest this past Friday, May 21st, and I was present when he passed... giving him love and comfort at the end as he had always given to me.

I have lit a candle for him and have pictures all over the house. I will never forget his beautiful face and beautiful soul. He will always be in my heart. He was my real soul mate.

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