My Best Friend Max

by Robin
(Holly Springs, NC)

I met my best friend Max at the SPCA in 1996. The moment I saw him I knew he was coming home with me. He lived with me for thirteen years and made me tremendously happy. He loved me always.

A simple wag of his tail would make me smile, and when he licked my face I was able to see the best in any situation. When my father died in 1998, he was my comfort. In 2008, Max became sick and that week was the hardest of my life. Daily visits to the vet, medications, tests and to see him deteriorate was excruciating for me but even worse for him.

Finally I made the decision to put him down. I held his little paw and watched him and talked to him until his last breath. Short of my father's death, that was the worst time of my life.

Afterwards a person told me that Max was lucky to have me to love him. I told him that he was wrong, I was the lucky one. I was lucky to have Max love me. He's been gone about nine months now and I still miss him every day. I would not trade a moment of my life with him, my best friend Max.

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