My Best Friend, Little Bit

by Kathy
(North Carolina)

Little Bit Sleeping in her Swing

Little Bit Sleeping in her Swing

Little Bit was a St Bernard mix that came in to our family 2 years ago. On Friday, September 18, 2009 she was hit and killed by a car. She was my shadow, went absolutely everywhere that I did, would not let another dog near me. Even as big as she was, she would only eat if I fed it to her.

I have cried more tears the past 2 days than I ever thought that I would.

I have had and still have other dogs but never one who took such a part of my heart. She is and always will be missed. Little Bit was my best friend and will never be replaced. I love you girl, rest in peace!

Comments for My Best Friend, Little Bit

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Little Bit
by: connie

I am so sorry about your loss. You and Little Bit were very lucky to have had each other. You can rest assured that she is ok now, and waiting to see you again. Take care of you!

With sympathy and understanding
by: Margaret

I'm so sorry at your loss. The grief will lessen with time. I know because I lost my Pekingnese Biscuit about a year ago, and I have finally stopped crying tears over him.

No person or animal will ever take Little Bit's place, but the good memories you have with Little Bit will live on forever. God bless you.

With best regards,
Margaret H.D.

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