My best friend I can't get over that it's been 8 months

by Sophia Covin
(Copperas Cove Texas)

Simba was all I had... When I hurt, he was in my lap to lick my tears. When I was happy, he was there to shake his tail at me. Then I had a baby and Simba was there through all the late night feedings and lonely nights when my little one was asleep. He may have thought that I had replaced him with my new little man, but all i did was add to our happy family.

Then one hot June right after I just cut his hair, my dad came over to cut my grass and forgot to close the fence. I did not know and let Simba out to go pee pee and after 10 min when he did not bark to come in, I went looking for him. I found him hit by a car down the block.

I miss him so, so bad. I am sorry, Simba, for not walking out with you. June 3rd will be a year that you have been gone, and I miss you.

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