My Best Friend and Shadow, Truman

by Aaron
(West Lafayette IN)

Truman was my best friend! Our journey together starts in June of 2009. He was at a local shelter and I decided to bring him home. That was enough for him to make me HIS person. He was always with me. If I was going somewhere, he wanted to go, and was sad when he could not. When I got home he was always waiting on me.

He and his 3 brothers went on my honeymoon. We took trips to Chicago to walk The Magnificent Mile and Navy Pier. He was also so eager to go.

Whenever I was home, he was with me. He truly was my shadow. If I slept upstairs, Truman would come along. If I was taking a shower, Truman was laying right outside the shower. Truman even liked to brush his teeth with me.

I had Truman for almost 9 of his 13 and a half years. Truman thinks he was the winner by me rescuing him, but I was the true winner!

I miss my best friend like crazy! The days will get easier and my heart will feel less broken, but I can promise I will always think of you and miss you like crazy!

Rest in Peace, Truman. Daddy will always love you!

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