My Beloved Jolee and Dennis

by Carmen
(North Miami Beach, FL)



I remember when you both were given to me. Jolee, I took you away from my sister with the pretense that I would take care of you during my vacation. Instead you stayed with me for 18 years. Dennis, you came a little after I took Jolee. What a joy you both were. I loved you more than anything in this world.

Dennis, I am so sorry that you suffered with pain. I did not realize that you had a hernia. When I took you to that first vet to check he said it was just fat. Why didn't I make him take an xray? Why did I just take his word for it?

I am sorry we had to wait until morning to take you to Dr Perez to have her check you. You cried all night. God I am so sorry. She said it was a hernia and you needed to be operated. The operation went well.

I was so sure you were going to be fine. I brought you a new bed and cleaned everything for your arrival home. I was so happy thinking about bringing you home. On the third day of recuperation things went wrong and you died. I did not get to say goodbye and tell you what a wonderful little boy you were.

What a difference you made in my life and in my heart. I love you and miss you, Dennis. I know you're up in heaven and I will see you again. Died 1/14/2012

Jolee, I miss you so much. You were like no other dog. What a beautiful and special dog you were. Even at your age you were the most resilient little dog I ever had the pleasure to own. Still at 18 you ran to go outside.

Every day I got up, I could count on you to walk next to me to the bathroom and lay on the mat while I bathed. Even when I swept the floor you followed me.

You became weak and I was spoon-feeding you for several weeks. It was not normal. But I wanted you to stay for me. I knew I had to let you go but I could not find the courage. I told myself that on the day that you would not follow me in the morning, I would know it's time.

And on that Sunday 10/13/2013, you did not get up to follow me. I promised you I would find the courage to set you free. I took you to the vet. I stayed with you to the end. I said my goodbyes. I told you what a wonderful friend and companion you were. I will always remember you looking at me as I cried.

I hope you did not worry about me, I will be fine. I love you and miss you, Jolee. I prayed for you to find Dennis in heaven and wait for me. My heart aches for both of you.

Comments for My Beloved Jolee and Dennis

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Callie and the Others
by: priscilla

I lost Ginger and Callie within 10 months of each other. Both deaths were sudden and unexpected.

You will hurt for a long time over the loss of your beloved pets. The hurt will always be there but to a lesser degree. They will always be in your heart.

Jolee and Dennis - Thank You
by: Carmen

Thank you so much for your kind words. It's so wonderful to have somewhere to go and share these feelings and emotions. I don't have someone who understands what these dogs meant to me and why I am so devastated.

I saw their small dish this morning and I could not stop crying. I know in time it will get better. Right now I miss them so much.

God Bless everyone who's lost a loving pet and is experiencing sorrow and anguish at this time.

by: Priscilla

Heart-breaking to part with our beloved pets. They will live in our hearts forever.

Jolee and Dennis
by: Christine

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved Buddy on July 4th this year. My grief brought me to my knees.

I also looked in Buddy's eyes. He saw my love for him and my overwhelming grief.

Time will ease the pain a bit. Our grief honours our beloved furry family members.

by: Tom

You can take comfort in knowing that they both loved you and know you loved them and will be waiting to see you again. I know how so very hard it is for us to make that decision to let them go when they mean so much to us. Bless you.

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