My Beloved Comet

by Ryan

Comet, it has been about a year since you passed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the best 11 years of my life. You were truly a blessing.

Every night from time to time I will cry for hours because I need my best friend to talk to. You will always be my best friend for the rest of my life.

As a Golden Retriever, I knew of your health problems, but always prayed you would live a happy life, but I was devastated when the Veterinarian found a tumor on your side.

As the days go on, I still remember to this day our last heartfelt conversation. As I held your left front paw on the kitchen floor I told you that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me and that I loved you with all my heart.

I still remember you smiling and licking my face goodnight, but little did I know that would be the last time you would ever do that to me.

Comet, once again, I have loved and always will love you with all my heart!

Rest In Paradise, Yellow Dog!
Gone, but never forgotten!

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