My Beloved Buddy

by Christine
(Cambridge, ON Canada)

I am completely and utterly inconsolable. We had to put our 6 year old shipoo Buddy down yesterday. The vet said he had either diabetes or Cushing's Disease.

Just three days ago he was running through the park chasing squirrels. Two days ago was the first time he didn't want to go for his early morning walk. His health rapidly deteriorated. I couldn't bear for him to go through more tests.

He didn't eat for two days and couldn't control his bladder. On his last night I piled blankets on the end of the bed in case he lost function of his bladder. In the middle of the night he was cuddled up beside me. At that point I didn't care about my mattress.

For two days I begged Buddy to give Mommy a kiss. He was too ill. When we took him to the vet ... seconds before he was put down ... he kissed my cheek and gazed lovingly in my eyes. His body wasn't shaking with fear. He went very peacefully.

I don't know how I will go on without him. I couldn't even go in to work today. I've never experienced this kind of pain before. He will no longer be in the window waiting for me to come home. I don't have to sneak into the fridge to make myself a snack. His warm cuddly body will no longer be there to comfort me. His unconditional love is gone.

I try to comfort myself with the thoughts of how lucky we both were to have each other. My husband is suffering as much as I am ... but holding his pain in ... as most men will do.

Buddy, thank you for loving me. I pray that when I leave this earth you will be waiting for me with your tail wagging.

Comments for My Beloved Buddy

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by: Christine

Thank you so much for your kind words, Michael and Tom.

by: Michael

I can understand the pain and sorrow you are feeling right now. I can say it will get easier over time but that is not always the case.

Something comes up and you see a little dog like Buddy and all of a sudden the emotions and feelings come to the surface and you feel sad again.

Think of the happy times you spent together and this will help a bit.

Take care of yourself, as Buddy would want you to.

So Sorry...
by: Tom

Christine, you can be sure Buddy loved you. I have cried more than I ever thought possible over losing Molly just recently.

Even with this pain, I take comfort in the belief that they are now in a place where they no longer are ill or hurt and will be waiting for us to join them.

by: Christine

Thanks so much Carrie for your helpful thoughts.

So Sorry About Buddy
by: Carrie

Oh Christine, I'm so sorry for your loss. The pain sometimes is so unbearable, but know that you gave Buddy the best home and all the love he could ever have wished for. Please find peace in your precious memories of him.

I find it helpful to look at photos of my beloved fur kids and remember them and the love they took from me and gave to me.

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