My Beautiful Boy Benson

by Patricia

He came into my life a mere handful, but he became this beautiful boy I loved beyond compare. He was taken from me so suddenly, within hours. The pain i cannot bear.

I'm trying to work through my loss to come out the other side to remember all the things and times we shared. But right now I cannot see beyond the grief in me.

Benson, in my heart forever. Love you xx
My beautiful boy

Comments for My Beautiful Boy Benson

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It helps
by: patricai

Thank you for kind thoughts. This does help many. Thanks to all.

xxxx I hope you find comfort with others thinking about you. xxxx

by: Anonymous

I know how much you are hurting. We lost our beautiful Bruce fast too, sick on March 17th and gone on April 1st. It's so much worse when it happens fast, but the only comfort I can give you is that after a few months you will think of him without crying.

We still have our baby's ashes on the mantlepiece and some of his fur, and there isn't a day I don't feel his fur and get comfort.

Benson was a beautiful looking little guy. I hope that just knowing others are thinking about you helps because it did me. Losing a special pet is like losing a human relative or friend.

So sorry for your loss....
by: Allison

So sorry to hear of your recent loss....

We lost our "Little Freaky" we called her. I called her "My Little Pooper" Delila. She was only 4 years old.

We were shocked. Today it's been 38 days. I cry every day... today a little bit less. I keep trying to remember the great times.

Sadly, it was from what was supposed to be a routine dental procedure, which we will never have done again..

I wish you much peace. Feel free to contact me any time for support. I feel your pain... and loss

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