My Beautiful Baby, I Miss You

On Friday it will be a year since I lost you.

This week is proving really hard. I seemed to be a lot better, but this week is difficult.

I miss you, baby. My baby girl. For 13 years you were my entire world. I would give everything and anything to stroke your long locks or hold you in my arms once more.

I'm still so sorry I couldn't stop it from happening. I would have jumped for you, baby. I will never not think about what could have happened. Had I been there sooner, I would have protected you, or held you and made you feel more comfortable. I'm so sorry, Rosiepoo.

Oh my dear baby girl. It's been so hard without you. I could barely function for the first few months without you next to me. The only thing that could have helped me through that was you.

I constantly think back every single day at how I was lucky to have had the most beautiful dog in the world. But you were more than a dog to me, you were my family, my life.

I'm 18 now, baby girl. You were there with me as I grew up. I need you. Sometimes I really need you. There are times when I wish I could have another dog, but I don't want another dog. I just want you.

Are you well, Rosie? I hope you are waiting for me. A few days after you left me, I read a poem about a rainbow bridge...are you there? It says dogs there wait for their owners. Wait for me, baby. We will be reunited and cross the bridge together one day.

It was the hardest year of my life. There hasn't been a day gone by that I haven't missed you. I love you so much, Rosie. My heart. My world.

Sleep well, my baby.

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Still Miss Each and Every One That Is No Longer Here
by: Priscilla

You have gone on before me but forever in my heart, each and every one of you. Benny helps with the missing. He is a little stinker. He sits and stares at me when I ask him what he wants. Then, when I get up to try to find out what it is he wants, he jumps on the nice warm spot where I have been sitting.

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