My Baby Tyson

by Hannah Pickersgill

I'm 17 years old and I got my doggy Tyson when he was 6 weeks old. I was only 4 years old so I haven't really known life any different really. He's a golden labrador and he never in all his life bit anyone as it wasn't in his nature. He was a very lovely doggy who you could lay with on the floor and cuddle all night long. He loved all the attention. He loved his belly been tickled too.

Now today we had to do one of the hardest things you could possible imagine and put my baby to sleep as over a year ago he grew a lump above his right leg which was actually a tumour. With him being 11 at this time the vet said they wouldn't recommend operating as he was old and they didn't think that he would pull through the operation so we had to leave it alone. He did take tablets and he was fine until Friday 8th August.

Out of nowhere he just couldn't walk anymore. He was limping all the time (the tumour was affecting his front right leg). He also was gasping for air and panting a lot because the tumour was pressing on his throat.

I feel awful that this has been done but I do know it is for the best, as I don't want my baby to be in pain but I just want him here with me though too. I love him so much and it was so hard to see him go today but all I want is to make sure that he knows that I love him very, very, very much and I always will do. He will never be forgotten. There's never a minute in the day that will go by without me missing him as he really did mean the world to me.

Love you always, my baby Tyson, and i will see you soon.

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