My Baby Love

Yesterday my dog Baby passed on. She was in my arms when she took her last breath. 14 years strong.

She was abandoned at 4 weeks old when I found her. I made sure she lived a full life with all the love and spoils she deserved, but life wasn't always easy.

Together we faced and survived domestic abuse, being homeless, and being separated (she had to stay at a kennel till I could find us a home).

When she passed we had a great home and a loving family. Through the ups and downs she was by my side, always. As much as it hurts to not have her with me, I am thankful I was holding her as she passed. My last prayer for her was "Lord, please take her out of my arms and into yours."

I just pray that she has the peace and comfort of heaven. She paid her dues in this world and I will be forever thankful. I miss her so much.

If anyone reading this could send out a prayer of healing I'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Comments for My Baby Love

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Thank You
by: Lori

Thank you Dorthy. One thing Baby was known for was making friends. She has her favorite bear with her so they will have a toy to share. God Bless

by: Dorthy

God bless you, Your dog Baby is now playing with my dogs Zoli and Trixie in heaven! Cherish all your memmories until we are someday together again. :-)

Thank You
by: Lori

To Marie and the two unknown commenters, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your messages. I really needed that.

To Cindy, yes I promise to look after Bruty if I'm called home before you.

God Bless you all.

Prayers for Baby
by: Marie

Prayers for Baby as she left your arms and went into the arms of our Lord.

Flights of Angels
by: Anonymous

May flights of angels carry her home and surround you both with love and hope.

I Am So Sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much you hurt.

As time goes by, adopt another homeless dog and your baby will live on, because you have more love to give another homeless one.

I Share Your pain...
by: cindy

It's been just a month since I too held the sweetest thing in my life when he took his last breath. He was with us 15 years. His name was Bruty.

He was our little boy with fur. We only had one child, a girl, so he was the son we never had.

I pray every day for all of us who have lost our furry children. It's hard for anyone to imagine the pain we are in unless they have felt it too.

I still hear him coming in and out the doggie door.

I do believe that we will see them again. Until then, I will tell Bruty to find your baby and they can play and romp and do everything they got too old to do here. But most of all, they can keep each other company until we get there too.

If you get there before me, please kiss him for me and keep him with you. I will do the same for your Baby Love.

Good bless...


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