My Athena
by Christopher
Originally I wasn't supposed to have you. You were supposed to be for a co-worker's daughter. I reluctantly gave you to him after bonding with you. 18 hours later he called me up, saying he or his wife didn't want you.
I tried finding you another home because I lived in an apartment and wasn't sure the landlord would allow you. I was grateful after talking with him that he said I could keep you.
I remember when you were a baby and we would sleep in the same bed. I woke up with you sleeping on my neck. You were bonding with me, as I was with you.
We went everywhere together. You loved going for rides in the car. Sticking your face out the window. You loved going to your favorite place, the dog park.
With all the crazy hours I worked I wanted to give you a good home. I did the best I could. I spoiled you the best I could.
I learned that every human being in my life had conditions for their love, but not you. Your love was forever unconditional. You loved me like no other, as I did you.
We both grew old together. We both developed health issues. We both slowed down together. I made sure you always had the best of care. You deserved it. Anything less was giving up on you and I would rather die than do that.
I never thought that I was your owner. I never thought of myself that way. I always thought that we sharing our lives together.
You passed away June 12, 2015. It was the darkest day of my life. I cry myself to sleep thinking of you every day. I'm lost without you.
I love you, little momma.