My Angel

by Lorraine
(Bellingham Mass)

My Angel Chinnie

My Angel Chinnie

Chinnie, it has been 2 years since you had to go "home." My heart still breaks for you every day. I honestly don't know how I have survived without you.

You were the love of my life and not a day goes by I don't miss your silly ways and beautiful face. I sincerely hope that I will get to see you again and give you belly rubs until you fall sound asleep. That was my heaven.

I love you and miss you, puppa chin, bestest girl in the whole wide world.

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by: Nilza

I am so sorry for your loss! It is amazing how our beloved friends bring us so much joy and we to them.

Chinnie knew how much love there was between you both. Most of all, it's still there and always will be. What a great gift than to know that we have loved them and they knew it!!!

Think of the good times with your baby.

Our Hearts
by: Susan

They give us love and open us up to loving with a whole heart with their trust in us. It is truly God's way.

Your little Chin is all around you and stays with the love, ever joyful.

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