More Than Just a Dog To Me

by Janie Mathis

My sweet, sweet girl
You've left me today
Though my eyes are red from crying
I couldn't let you stay

The cancer changed you quickly
From the girl you once had been
And would have claimed you fully
--But, God only knows when

Meanwhile, you were listless
You could barely raise your head
You'd given up on eating
You couldn't jump upon the bed

I'd made you home-cooked meals
Lifted the water bowl so you could drink
Fed you through a syringe
Researched supplements from A to Zinc

I did these things out of love
--My sweet, sweet "Daisy Day"--
And how I wish I would have found
A cure so you could stay

But when I saw in spite of all
The things that I had done,
The cancer was unrelenting
And that our battle would not be won

I decided to give you all of my love
And in that act, I set you free
Though it was hard, I did it because
You were more than just a dog to me…

--Janie Mathis

Comments for More Than Just a Dog To Me

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My Phoenix
by: jeannette

I lost my baby Phoenix, age 16 years, 4 months and 4 days. I did the same.

This is a wonderful poem. My pain is raw as it's only been 8 days. I miss her.

Thank You
by: Janie Mathis

Thank you for your comments. It's been a year since Daisy passed on and I still have to fight the tears when I read her poem. Time makes it easier, but she is still missed. Blessings to you all.

Just a Dog
by: Myrna Whelan

Your poem is awesome and brings tears to my eyes because what you have written is exactly how I feel about my beautiful Siberian Husky Nikita, whom I had to euthanize in February of 2011. Thanks for sharing your wonderful poem with all of us.

So Touching
by: Connie Gutowski

It's been just about a month since our little Penelope left us and it still feels like yesterday. We didn't have to put her down. She did not make it through the anesthesia when they tried to save her.

Your words have so very touched my heart. God bless you and your sweet departed doggie.

Good Poem
by: Melissa

I put my dog down six months ago because of cancer and every time I read this, I still cry.

by: Anonymous

What a beautiful tribute to your sweet dog. It really touches my heart. My sympathy goes out to you. 2 days ago I put my sweet baby to rest. Reading this helps me to know that I am not alone in my time of grief. I do think you did give a gift of love to your sweet dog by putting her to rest so she would not suffer. God bless you.

More Than a Dog to Me
by: somi

I lost my dog today. I have taken few words of yours that have brought tears to me.

by: John

We would do whatever it takes to keep our dogs walking across the world or riding the heavy waves in the ocean. The love is so unconditional for our lost dogs.

by: Anonymous

Yor poem was so touching. It made me miss my Dixie. Her heart won the battle.

If only dogs could speak and tell us where they are hurt we could probably give them a cure.

RIP Daisy and Dixie

by: Anonymous

Your poem to your Daisy is just simply beautiful and very touching.

It's been a month and a half since we had to go through our final act of love to our handsome Zeus. He was a lover who just had a sick heart.

I hope in time the memories with your beloved Daisy help to heal the hurt you feel inside.

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