by Kelli
You were rescued at the young age of four months and "wow." I saw this 35 pound puppy come walking out and I could not believe you were mine!!
But, truth be told, you were the one who rescued me. You were so content to just have me in the same room, and from day one, I knew you were an old soul. :) You were so happy with a rawhide, "Kong" and Budda!!
I miss our walks the most and all the alone time we had together, me talking to you and believing you truly understood every word I had to say! Everyone who encountered you was enamored by your beauty and poise. There will never be another "Momo" to protect me and love me as much as you. As I look back, I realize I was the one who needed you the most.
You were not only loved by me, but Skyser, Auntie K~K, Gram, Gramps, and Cory. Towards the end, you met a man who came into my life and changed both of ours. I truly believe that you knew I would be alright and protected now by him.
You were ALWAYS my angel, but now I know that you are my angel in heaven. Run with the other angel animals. I hope you are smiling, just like you always did at the dog park!! We will see each other again, but until that day, "Sweet dreams, goodnight, and I love you"!!
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