Molly Angel
by Lori
I never dreamed how much it would hurt for my baby Molly to die. She was at least 10 years old, but I don't know exactly because I rescued her from a lonely life in a pen, far from the owner's house. Molly was a Basset Hound.
I did spoil her rotten. She got a little fat. I always felt she needed lots of extra love because of her sad beginnings. She loved our lab/great dane mix, Bubba. He passed away a few years ago. That tore my heart out too. Molly may not have been as smart as Bubba but she was beyond sweet and she loved her people loyally.
She's only been gone 3 days and I still find myself crying when I least expect it. She had an operation to remove a growth on her back only a few weeks ago. She was doing great. She had more energy that she'd had in a long time, and she played with my younger dog all day Sunday before she died on Tuesday.
Monday evening she started getting sick to her stomach. I just assumed she had eaten something that didn't agree with her. She was sleeping when we went to bed. When I woke up Tuesday, she was by our bed but not in her usual place. I reached down to touch her and I knew she was gone. She must have been gone for a few hours.
It kills me that I didn't have a chance to tell her bye and how much I loved her. I will never forget her. My younger mixed dog seems lost without his other "Mama." I'm trying to give him extra love and attention to help him through it. I don't think he realized something was wrong until we were wrapping her body to take it away. But I know he's been looking for her. It's so sad.
I love my dogs and I'll never forget any of them. Not everyone understands how bad this hurts. I know time will heal us all.