Miles, My Big Boy

On Dec 16, 2011, your Dad and I made the decision to end you pain. We stayed with you, calmed you, knowing this would be the last time you'd see us. I was holding you tightly, tears rolling while you received the first and second injections. You took your last breath, while your head gently lay on my arm. I knew then you were gone. 11 years-the best years. Oh my boy, if only you knew I too died with you. Your pain ended, mine just begun.

6 weeks on and my heart still breaks. I miss you, my love, everyday! I tried my best to be stronger for Loi and Pepper (cats), your sisters, and your brother Charlie (dog/Pom). I guess it's not easy for them either, especially when they see their mommy very sad. I cried almost every time I was not working. To be at home I guess reminds me of you. Also when I see Charlie sitting outside, waiting for you.

What am I going to do?

I pray you're not alone or even hungry. I wish for you to visit us, even in our dreams. I love you, Miles, and we all miss you! Sleep, my baby. One day we'll see each other again.

Comments for Miles, My Big Boy

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As I was reading about your Big Boy, Miles, tears were coming down my face.

Yes, your Miles is in Doggie Heaven, waiting for YOU. But for now, he is playing with Patch.

Thank you for your support
by: Myra

Thank you, Ed and Terry, for very warm, heartfelt comments.
I am truly grateful for your comments and support as I feel validated for my own heartbreak. I feel I am not alone. Thank you!

Unconditional Love
by: Terry

I too feel your pain as I had to put down my best friend two weeks ago, 1/17/2012. As we all weep for our dear companions, may we know that they are no longer hurting, they are running fast again with no pain, eating from the King's Table, and making new friends.

God says he will give us the desires of our hearts, and our desires are for our beloved pets to be healthy and waiting for us. That's what I believe.

Rest in peace, Miles. You brought bountiful joy to your family. Please look out for my dog Lee. He just got there, so show him around.

Surely God Has a Very Special Place in Heaven
by: Ed

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I know your pain, as I was forced to make the same choices you did just 11 days late on December 27th.

Needless to say this was the worst Holiday Season EVER.

Like you, I cry every day too. People look at me like I'm crazy (I'm 6', 220 lbs, heavily tattoo'd) but they simply don't or can't understand the bond between humans and dogs.

Dogs have no agenda, they have no motive other than love, loyalty, and companionship ..They won't betray you or intentionally cause you harm in any way ...

All they ask from us is love, attention, lots of walks / car rides and food. :)

Time heals the pain and it eventually becomes memories of all the happy times gone by - I'm starting to get there little by little.

Yesterday, I went down to the lake and walked the trails CoCo and I spent many, many happy hours / days on. I spread some of her ashes there as it was one of her favorite "happy places."

I walked the trails alone, talking to and looking for her. I stood over the places where her ashes are and told her I loved her and "thank you" for choosing me as her forever human. It was my honor.

Surely God has a very special place in Heaven for these gentle, selfless, loving animals. If not, God needs to re-think things!

God Bless you. May your Miles find eteranl peace / comfort in the fields / meadows of Heaven.

Ed in Colorado

4 Legged Angels
by: Ed

I know your pain - I just put my girl down on December 27th.

I miss her with every waking moment and miss her terribly.

Angels on Earth, now Angels in Heaven.

Although we can no longer see or touch them, they are always with us due to their being buried deep in our hearts, souls, and memories.

RIP Miles ..May flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.

Ed in Denver

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