Mia the Amazing Kind Dog

by Christina
(Worcester, Massachusetts)

Since we adopted you as a puppy from a shelter, you have touched our lives in such an amazing way. Your twelve years of life brought us so much joy, love, companionship and comfort. From hikes in the mountains, swims at the beach, walks around the neighborhood to snuggle time at night - your presence is so greatly missed.

You took us through so many stages of our lives and you even made a mark among viewers, often being featured in pet segments on tv! I will never forget how you dropped your favorite toy on my belly when I was pregnant and protectively watched over the baby when he was born.

You were our angel. It was so fitting that after your work was done you left this world on Mother's Day. I will forever miss caring for you but most importantly how much you cared for me and our family.

We will forever love and miss you, Mia.

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