Maggie, my one and only schmoopie!

by Maggie's mom, Regina
(Hillsborough NJ)

Maggie was a healer and helped a lot of people in various ways, moreso then other humans could. While my grandmother was housebound, Maggie would spend many days by her side, bringing her companionship and also a sense of independence, since she was able to care for Maggie in a way that she couldn't do for herself. When my mother was going through a tough time, Maggie was always there for her and greeted her with a warm welcome, letting her know she was always a part of our household.

Maggie was a chronic spooner and hopped alongside many of my friends while they slept and kept them warm. She became my motivational coach and helped me train for a marathon, running with me every day for months on end. She helped others work through their grief when they too lost someone close to their hearts or simply felt alone in the world.

Over the past year I worked an excessive number of hours at work, which depleted me of energy and countless hours of my personal life. Despite my late hours Maggie was always at home, waiting patiently for me to arrive to go on our late hour walks followed by a little belly rubbing and ball playing.

I only wish that I didn't allow myself to be consumed by my career and made more time to take my pup out, doing the things she loved like swimming, hiking, or going around visiting family and friends. She was a true people dog and had the best personality in the world. Many hearts have sobbed and broken in her illness and final passing.

I'll forever miss my little munchkin, schmoops, Magpie....

Comments for Maggie, my one and only schmoopie!

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by: Anonymous

I met you a few times. You were so friendly especially when you got your ice cream (lol). You were such a sweetheart!!!!!

Danielle xoxo

What they give us
by: Kirsten

They just give so much and want nothing in return. The loss is always hard but I will always have animals in my life for what they add to it. You loved Maggie with all of your heart and cared for her so well. She loved you and was glad for all the time she had with you.

Maggie was such a beautiful dog!
by: Julia

Thank you so much for your loving memorial of Maggie- it brings warmth to my heart to know that so many other loving animals had good homes and people who loved them and took good care of them! They definitely teach us to enjoy our lives- it's amazing how wise their simple wisdom is! I hope my Lucky can meet Maggie in heaven and they can play!

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