Luigi My Love

by Nancy
(Wolcott CT)

It's been 24 days since Luigi has passed. I miss him so much it's crazy. Luigi, you have given me so much more than I could have ever given you. You are my best friend, you always know what I am thinking, how to make me laugh and smile. You have been a great teacher for me. I'll miss all the great times playing frisbee for hours until I finally had to say said enough!!!!,agility, barking at the moooieees and neh nehs. Always riding shotgun with me. You are the reason I do what I do. I can't thank you enough for everything. You will be missed so much forever. You are one of a kind.

Libbi and Maggie are with me in Maine this week. Started out with a rainbow today (thank you Luigi) going to all Luigi's favorite spots and creating new memories in his honor. Maggie is a swimming maniac just like Luigi, and Libbi is happy just chillin' out and watching as always.

Luigi, I miss you so. Love you. Lots of Belly rubs for you.

Love Mommy, Libbi, Maggie, Kang Otis, Gracie, Junior and Kitties.

Nancy Stokes, Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 11:43pm

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