Lucy Love
by Julie Flannighan
Lucy My Best Friend
My faithful,loyal, caring and loving friend.
Lucy was so full of life, she was so happy to be my dog. Lucy protected me and anything that belonged to me. She was a tiny Jack Russell, but when it came to protecting me she would have fought with a Lion. She was a great character, and gave us many years of entertainment with her unusual ways.
Sadly 6 months ago she became ill with diabetes, but we struggled through and got her stable with medication. The diabetes left her blind, but it did not hold her back at all. Then yesterday, 12-07-2010, she was so excited to hear me coming up the road she ran out of the house straight under the wheel.
I would give anything to turn back time. The pain I feel of her loss is so unbelievable. How cruel can life be that you kill the one and only true and loyal friend you will ever have.
I miss her so much. She was named Lucy Love because she had a perfect loveheart on her side.
R.I.P Lucy xxxxx